WRCCDC 2019 Qualifiers and Regionals Network Info Domain: corp.ods.com (qualifiers and regionals) Administrator Password: Ov3rDrive! Domain: corp.ods.com Public IP Range: 10.57.TEAM#.0/24 Private IP Range: Domain: hbc.com (regionals only) Administrator Password: TheLandBeforeTime Domain: hbc.com Public IP Range: 10.58.TEAM#.0/24 Private IP Range: Domain: triassicland.com (regionals only) Administrator Password: WelcomeToTriassicLand Administrator Password (with Complexity): WelcomeToTriassicLand1 *Will be in box notes* Domain: triassicland.com Public IP Range: 10.57.TEAM#.0/24 Private IP Range: Note: All networks must be able to communicate to each other to replicate properly. Add proper routes!